Areas of Expertise

Art Direction
Conceptual Thinking
3D Rendering
Motorsports Identity
Web Design

As a child, I’ve always been fascinated with anything that has to do with art. When I was but a wee little lad, I wanted to grow up and be a cartoon (yes, an actual cartoon). The harsh realization eventually set in, that this wasn’t possible, according to the law of physics. But instead, I could be an adult and make cartoons for a living. And I went opted to go that direction…well…I dreamed.

My name is Isken Cosip, and I am a graphic designer. I’ve been in design with different marketing fields including: retail, tech, and academia. I have also been fluent in different disciplines by way of print, web/digital, illustration, fine arts, photography, and so much more in my still young career. My skills range through logo and branding work, layouts and presentations, ads that range from pixels to meters, and 3D rendering. Over the years I’ve accumulated these skill sets to thrive in marketing and advertising.

Design transcends different mediums, and I’m defined by my interest in pushing the boundaries of whichever canvas, artboard, or surface I come across. So let’s have a chat and work together! I’m already happy to meet you!

